If you're looking for a "safe", natural sugar alternative, keep reading..
We Need Sugar!
Science clearly shows that the presence of sugar is needed to efficiently assimilate electrolytes and rehydrate the body, with sweetness making up one of six key tastes in Ayurveda that contribute to ultimate nutrition.
However, from obesity to diabetes and h
Not necessary in isolation, but in volume.
The History Of Sugar Consumption
- In 1800, the average person consumed approximately 22.4 grams of sugar each day (10.2 kg per year).
- In 1900, the average person consumed approximately 112 grams of sugar each day (40.8 kg per year).
- In 2009, 50 per cent of Americans consumed approximately 227 grams of sugar each day - equating to 81.6 kg per year.
One knock on effect of this, is people are shocked into switching to sweeteners, many of which are artificial and quite often don't offer a better alternative.
In short, all sweeteners on the market have negative health consequences - except for Palmyra Blossom Nectar.
Palmyra Blossom Nectar is the only sweetener on earth that contains the iminosugar Palmyrin - which has the astonishing ability to regulate blood sugar and control inflammation - the root of all disease.
With its exquisite caramel-like flavour, a low glycaemic index & fructose content, and naturally rich in B vitamins including bioavailabl
Try it here